Orange 5 programmer scorpio China 0range 5 programming device with OEM Orange5 v1.34 software OEM Orange 5 Programmer China Orange 5 eeprom programmer with V1.34 Orange 5 software avaible for radio codes:
OEM Orange 5 from is very good programmer. Most impressive thing about it is the speed, its very fast. In having said that though, just like any programmer, it wont do everything, thats why you need to buy all the programmers and then you have no problems. I rate Orange5 an 8 / 10
Notes i did when i read with Orange 5….
Get a perfect read 169DJ after resolder joints on hc05 adaptor
Can read 4Y74J and in circuit, and out circuit, with wire
Can read HC05x32 with O5 clone success, make picture of your adapter and check soldering points
P.s. when you want to be 100% sure, better to resolder all point on them
Today, tested the Motorola HC908 family
Security bytes readout in-circuit mode
Now three test panels
AZ60A, LJ12 100% works …
min 2 sec max 5-6 minute
this good technic
It is said that chinese clone not have avaible software for radio codes.
Yes, there is option 03-CarRadio. I didn’t use it but it can be done
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